Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What Alcohol Abuse Can Bring

     Alcohol is a very strong drug that is available almost everywhere people go and has been used for a really long time. It has been around for 10,000 years ( People can buy alcohol in liquor stores, super markets, grocery stores, and gas stations. Alcohol beverages have been used for medicinal, religious, and relaxation purposes. However, it can be misused and abused.  There are many negative effects to alcohol abuse, such as, psychological problems, money problems, and health risks.

     First of all, alcohol abuse can cause psychological problems like low self-esteem and depression. When people have low self-esteem, it is because they are not happy in their life, and also they feel lonely. This is one reason why people abuse alcohol. When people use alcohol, it gives them a temporary relief from their problems. However, when the effects of alcohol wear off, it can lead to more low self-esteem problems and more negative feelings. Depression is another psychological problem that can be related to alcohol. For example, people sometimes drink because they feel depressed and alcohol makes them feel better temporarily, but afterwards, it can lead them to feel more depressed and this makes them want to drink more leading them to addiction.

     Next, alcoholism can also bring money problems to people’s lives. The cost of drinking alcohol can become really high. For example, depending on the drinking habit, a person who drinks every day can spend $250.00 dollars a month or more. Drinking and driving is another issue that can get really expensive and dangerous. When people drink alcohol, they cannot think clearly, and they can start losing control over their body making it very dangerous to drive under the effects of it. A consequence of driving under the effects of alcohol is getting a DUI and this involves getting their car towed, going to jail, paying bail, and going to court. All these things can add up and depending on the way things happened this can become very expensive.  Sometimes alcohol addiction can take over people’s lives. When people cannot stop drinking, they stop being responsible due to their addiction. This can lead them to lose their job, everything they have including their families resulting in possible homelessness.

     Consequently, alcohol abuse can also lead to many health risks. People who abuse alcohol for a long period of time can develop serious diseases. Drinking too much can cause liver problems like fat deposits.  With continued excessive drinking, the liver can become inflamed and can permanently scar and damage the liver, resulting in liver cirrhosis. Many heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis when they continue their drinking habits ( Diabetes can also become an alcoholism related disease. Heavy drinkers can develop diabetes because alcohol contains a huge amount of sugar. They can also gain weight and the risk of developing type two diabetes.

     To conclude, alcohol has been around for a long time, and it has been used for many different things. However, people abuse it, has a lot of negative effects on their mind, way of life and their health. Alcohol has negative psychological effects like low self-esteem and depression. It can also get really expensive and it can lead people to lose everything. Lastly, it can be the cause of serious health problems. There are many ways that people with serious alcohol problems can get help. They are many programs where people get help to stop drinking, like rehabilitations houses and also hanging out with friends that don’t drink can help them to stop drinking.


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