Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What Alcohol Abuse Can Bring

     Alcohol is a very strong drug that is available almost everywhere people go and has been used for a really long time. It has been around for 10,000 years ( People can buy alcohol in liquor stores, super markets, grocery stores, and gas stations. Alcohol beverages have been used for medicinal, religious, and relaxation purposes. However, it can be misused and abused.  There are many negative effects to alcohol abuse, such as, psychological problems, money problems, and health risks.

     First of all, alcohol abuse can cause psychological problems like low self-esteem and depression. When people have low self-esteem, it is because they are not happy in their life, and also they feel lonely. This is one reason why people abuse alcohol. When people use alcohol, it gives them a temporary relief from their problems. However, when the effects of alcohol wear off, it can lead to more low self-esteem problems and more negative feelings. Depression is another psychological problem that can be related to alcohol. For example, people sometimes drink because they feel depressed and alcohol makes them feel better temporarily, but afterwards, it can lead them to feel more depressed and this makes them want to drink more leading them to addiction.

     Next, alcoholism can also bring money problems to people’s lives. The cost of drinking alcohol can become really high. For example, depending on the drinking habit, a person who drinks every day can spend $250.00 dollars a month or more. Drinking and driving is another issue that can get really expensive and dangerous. When people drink alcohol, they cannot think clearly, and they can start losing control over their body making it very dangerous to drive under the effects of it. A consequence of driving under the effects of alcohol is getting a DUI and this involves getting their car towed, going to jail, paying bail, and going to court. All these things can add up and depending on the way things happened this can become very expensive.  Sometimes alcohol addiction can take over people’s lives. When people cannot stop drinking, they stop being responsible due to their addiction. This can lead them to lose their job, everything they have including their families resulting in possible homelessness.

     Consequently, alcohol abuse can also lead to many health risks. People who abuse alcohol for a long period of time can develop serious diseases. Drinking too much can cause liver problems like fat deposits.  With continued excessive drinking, the liver can become inflamed and can permanently scar and damage the liver, resulting in liver cirrhosis. Many heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis when they continue their drinking habits ( Diabetes can also become an alcoholism related disease. Heavy drinkers can develop diabetes because alcohol contains a huge amount of sugar. They can also gain weight and the risk of developing type two diabetes.

     To conclude, alcohol has been around for a long time, and it has been used for many different things. However, people abuse it, has a lot of negative effects on their mind, way of life and their health. Alcohol has negative psychological effects like low self-esteem and depression. It can also get really expensive and it can lead people to lose everything. Lastly, it can be the cause of serious health problems. There are many ways that people with serious alcohol problems can get help. They are many programs where people get help to stop drinking, like rehabilitations houses and also hanging out with friends that don’t drink can help them to stop drinking.


Different Kinds of Places to Rent

     Bruce Barton, an author said, “Many a man who pays rent all his life owns his own home; and many a family has successfully saved for a home only to find itself at last with nothing but a house. The author said some people can rent and enjoy their family, and some people just work to buy a house but they can’t enjoy their family because they work too much.” Having a place to rent  is really important in life for everybody. Most of the people around the world have a place to live. There are many different types of places to rent, such as, houses, apartments, or mobile homes.

     First, when people are looking into renting houses, some of the most important thing is the location, the size and the cost. Some houses are expensive because they are in a nice neighborhood and also because it is closer to their jobs, schools, stores, or they have their own parking. The houses that are cheap are the ones that don’t have any parking facility and they are in a bad location. Luxury houses are the most expensive beautiful houses around the world, because they are in a nice location near the beach or top of the hill. Luxury houses have everything nice inside and outside and also the style is beautiful. These houses are big and have nice kitchens, bathroom, bedrooms, gym, living room, and big closets. Not everyone can afford to rent this luxury houses, because they are more expensive than regular houses.

     Second, some peoples rent apartments. Sometimes they do not have the opportunity to choose the apartment they want. Some people only qualify for low income apartments if they show that they cannot afford anything else. The low income apartment may not have all the artifacts; like, microwave, refrigerator, laundry, or additional parking. If someone needs to try to rent a regular apartment they need to go through a background check to see if they can qualify for a regular apartment. The regular apartment may not have a washing machine inside but they have a laundry room in the area. Also they may not have a guest park but they have an additional parking for them. The Luxury apartments are the expensive ones who everyone would like to live because they have so many things. For example nice furniture, gym, garage, guest parking, playground, television, pool, or Jacuzzi. Also the style of the apartment is really nice and the services too. Not everyone can not afford to rent a luxury apartment because they are really expensive.

     Finally, a lot of people like to rent mobile homes because some sometimes they are cheaper than renting a house or apartment. There are also mobile homes only for seniors. These communities sometimes are gated to keep the park safe and also have security and sometimes they have people to help the seniors when they cannot get around. These communities are for people who are 55 years or older and they are really quiet community. People can also buy their own mobile home and be the owner. These are usually cheaper than regular houses, but if they don’t own a property they will have to find a place to rent to put they mobile home. When they are the owner they can always sell it if they need to.

     Renting a place is one of most popular way to pay for a place to live because not everyone can not afford to buy a home or for some people it is more convenient to rent than buying a house. These are the types of places anyone can rent everywhere they go, houses, apartments, or mobile homes. Everyone has the opportunity to rent one of these places.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

     Are you hungry? How about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a very delicious and easy recipe that anybody can do. The history of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches started in 1920 with the military. The military used the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for meals during long stays in the country when practicing for war, because the peanut butter and jelly would last for a long time. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches became popular with young children in the 1950’s in the United States. All the things you will need to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich are napkins, plates, and knives. The ingredients are bread, peanut butter, jelly, and honey.

     First, according to the article “where do peanuts come from?” June 6, 2013,, peanut; come from a plant with a lot of yellow flowers and these plants can grow about eighteen inches tall and from start to finish it can last up to five month. Once the peanuts are harvested they need to get clean and roasted and then they go through a process call blanching, this is when the skins are removed from the peanut. Last the peanuts are ground along with other ingredients until these get the right color and consistency between crunchy and creamy. The colors of the peanut can be too dark or

too light. To make the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich you will need two slices of bread, peanut butter, one plate, and a knife. First, you need to have the two slices of bread on the plate with one slice face up and the other face down. Then spread creamy peanut butter with a knife on one size of bread. Next, clean the knife with a napkin so the peanut butter doesn’t mix with the jelly. If you going to use crunchy peanut butter, be careful not to tear the bread.

     Second, you can choose your own flavors of jelly. There are a lot of different flavors of jelly like grape, strawberry, blackberry, and cherry. Jelly is a product made out of fruit and the correct amount of others ingredients to create a gel. Using the clean knife, get some grape jelly out of the jelly jar and spread it on top of the peanut butter. Then be careful not to put too much jelly in the sides, because it might spill out of the sandwich and make a mess.

      You can use honey for many things; for example people drink with honey tea because it is good for a sore throat, other people use honey to make fruit salad or as a skin product. Some people use honey instead of energy drinks or energy bars before a workout. Honey is produced by bees; they made the honey from the nectar they collect from the flowers. The honey has golden color syrup very sweet and it can have liquid and smooth texture. Last, spread one drop of honey on top of the peanut butter and jelly. Then put the second slice on top of everything. Next, you cut the sandwiches in two pieces with the knife and eat it. I like to eat my peanut butter and jelly sandwich with honey, it is delicious.

      Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a great meal when you are in a hurry because you can make one quickly anywhere. Also you can find all you need at the dollar store and it is not expensive. For making a peanut butter and jelly you don’t need to have a kitchen, because you can make it anywhere you only need napkins, plate, knife, and the ingredients. The good thing about making a peanut butter and jelly is that you enjoy making it and eating it.